E: sasinfo@noujcf.com
P: 206-281-2031
O: Demaray Hall 151

Academic Probation

Any graduate student whose cumulative SPU GPA falls below 3.0 shall be placed on academic probation (with the exception of students in the Seattle Pacific Seminary, who will be placed on probation if their cumulative SPU GPA falls below 2.50).

  • Students placed on academic probation must contact their program advisor to create a plan to raise the student’s GPA.
  • Students on probation must review their program handbook regarding specific program policies related to academic probation, dismissal, and reinstatement.
  • A graduate student cannot graduate with a cumulative SPU GPA below 3.0 (with the exception of students in the Seattle Pacific Seminary, who may graduate with a minimum cumulative SPU GPA of 2.50).
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