E: sasinfo@noujcf.com
P: 206-281-2031
O: Demaray Hall 151

University Medical Insurance Fees

All international students studying at SPU on an F-1 visa are required to enroll in the University student medical insurance plan year-round (including vacation periods). Waivers for other insurance policies are not accepted.

Exceptions to this policy are made for students who are fully sponsored by an official organization in their home country. However, fully sponsored students must provide updated active health insurance to International Student Services during their first quarter at SPU. If students cannot provide proof of insurance, they will be required to purchase the university medical insurance plan. It is the students' responsibility to pay the health insurance premium.

Though health insurance for students’ dependents is not required, it is strongly recommended and can be purchased directly through the SPU insurance vendor.

Undocumented students may contact Health Services office for medical insurance information and guidance.